
Photos of the uncanny light and color in the landscape during the solar eclipse which are almost as exciting as the eclipse itself. I can’t find other photos like these anywhere online! (sun photos are at the bottom). Colors become  dull, washed-out, greyish or reddish. At times everything looks flat and two-dimensional. Sometimes it looks like an old faded photograph or that thing on flat screen TVs nowadays where they make everything you watch look like a cheap badly-lit 80s daytime soap opera (it’s called “Motion Smoothing” but most people call it “soap-opera effect” and everyone hates it; most TVs have a hard-to-find setting that lets you switch it off ). It would take a very expensive camera and lots of experience to really capture the colors it but you can get the idea here.

I forgot to take pictures of the scene without the eclipse! Except for this one after the eclipse was finished which you’ll see is the only one that has completely normal picture-postcard green grass and blue sky.

The first two may not look like anything special but notice how the grass is duller than in the one above after it was over.

Again the first two look ordinary but the colors and contrast are slightly off in the first one and reddish in the second.

What about the actual eclipse?

An expensive camera and special filters that I think maybe have no other use than taking pictures of the sun are required. The results are close-ups of the black sun so they don’t convey what it’s like to be there.

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